Bot Trading Risk Management Rules

The fact of the matter is that you can lose money in cryptocurrency rather quickly. That is why it is vital to have proper risk management in your manual and bot trading processes. Professional traders stay in the game because they know that management is critical when dabbling in the cryptocurrency markets. Volatility in crypto…

Crypto and Bitcoin Market Maker Bot Guide

Markets consist of buyers and sellers. Buyers want to buy bitcoin and other digital assets to make money in the future, sellers want to sell bitcoin and digital assets because of fear or to take profits. Buyers pay a price based on the demand and supply within the particular exchange they go to and use…

How Does Bot Trading Influence Crypto Market?

The fact is that we live within a more automated world today. This notion is true when we go grocery shopping or order an Uber or have our Amazon Prime items delivered within a day. Many of these interactions happen because of automation through technology and advanced coding processes and algorithms. Indeed, Bitcoin and the…

Do Trading Bots Bring You Passive Income?

With cryptocurrency trading recently rising in popularity, more and more people are showing an interest towards this segment. This is especially true in the case of automated bots, which make it easier to buy and sell crypto without much human intervention. This notion of automatically buying and selling cryptocurrency makes this subset even more lucrative…

Choosing the Most Profitable Pairs for Bot Trading

Whenever simply setting up and integrating a new innovation like cryptocurrency automated bot, the task of selecting the right trading pair will be very important in your quest.  Why?  Well, the pairs and coins you choose have a significant effect on your trading strategies. They directly influence your long-term portfolio. And they also have a…

Trailing Bot Trading

With cryptocurrency attracting novice and experienced traders alike, the sector is improving consistently. From new exchanges to innovative automated bots, exciting ways to trade crypto are being introduced on a regular basis. One such method is trailing bot trading. Combining the convenience of the bots with the effectiveness of new methods, trailing is gaining rapid…

Why You Lose Money With Trading Bots

It is no secret that cryptocurrency bot trading is becoming a viable option for supplementary income. But it also means that it is being used by people who already hold day jobs as their primary source of revenue. Due to the way they are built, these automated solutions help people trade crypto assets while also…

Crypto Exchange Trading Fees

Traders such as yourself have become more sophisticated with tools and options in the cryptocurrency market. Automated solutions such as bots provide you with a key advantage and allow you to make profitable trades most of the time. Even then automated trades may not always bring the best results if traders do not know how…

Crypto Bot Trading VS Arbitrage

There are quite a few ways to earn and increase your returns with smart cryptocurrency investing. One way to win with crypto includes merely holding it in interest-bearing accounts with trusted third party institutions. Another way to slowly grow your portfolio is to take part in manual day trading activities or automated activities with bots. …

Crypto Grid Trading Strategy

If you are planning to use a cryptocurrency trading bot in the near future, then you might have more than a few concepts to clarify. Choosing the right bot, setting it up with suitable indicators, and following the most beneficial market signals would all be a part of that little questionnaire in your mind. But…